Tuesday, February 19, 2008

environmentalist, author, and filmaker talks about global warming in recent interview with talk radio news service

Michael Martineau is a published author and a member of the writers guild of America. Recently, he was interviewed by TAlk Radio News Correspondent S. Dawn Jones about his upcomming film Occam's Razor. in the interview he tlaks about the effects of global warming on our planet. You can hear the interview as well as find out more information at his wesite by going to http://www.moviesforabetterworld.com

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Debunking the Myth, Great Seal of the United States

Ok, Im Annoyed! I was at the store and some guy saw my Masonic emblems on the back of my vehicle. He approached me and proceeded to Lecture me about the Pyramid, the Dollar bill and the Great Seal of the United states, and the Illuminati..

DUDE!! I have been researching Masonic History for YEARS!!! When the Founding Fathers Founded America, they chose alot of symbolism that has ancient origins which date back Centuries before The 1700's. The Eye in the pyramid represents the Eye of GOD.. and Our founding fathers used it because it symbolised our nation was founded under the wisdom of GOD...

this Painting There is a Pyramid with an EYE in it above Christ's Head, it was done in 1525 by Jacopo PONTORMO, and is called the Supper at Emaus, The eye of God, painted above Christ's head, is a later addition. (im researching as to when it was added)

I am a Born Again Christian, I believe in the Word of God!!! I told this man that but he still tried to "wittness" to me...

I have been involved in Freemasonry for 9 and 1/2 years now and have seen and learned alot about it's mysteries. If I for ONE moment felt that there was anything contrary to my faith, I would ask for a Demit.. (Resign)

I stood there in the bitter cold, wind blowing the rain in my face, trying to politely excuse myself but this man was determined.. He started to walk with me as I headed to my car from the store... I got creeped out and told him if he did not leave from me I was going to call the police..

I asked him if he enjoyed passing along information from people who did not have a clue and told him to do the research and form his own conclusion rather than accept hearsay from UNEDUCATED minds... He left me alone after that ... so now I am home, warming up, drinking some cocoa.. :)

Rain Rain go away

It is Pouring outside, it has been all night. I have been working on a website for a friend and I have to say it was a learning experience.. She needed a blog on her site, so I set one up, Took all night long because I had to install it and configure it with Mysql.. which is a database driven program.. I gained alot of experience through working with it... It was time well spent because people spend alot of money for someone to do programing and database config with Mysql..

I had alot of fun learning.. :)

and now I have a head start on knowing the program because I will be using it extensively with an online store in the very near future! :D

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

winter returns

it was in the 70'S JUST a few days ago and today it was barely in the 20's. as for last night, well I spoke to the charge nurse about what happened yesterday and she said she would 'speak' to her. TRANSLATION: go back to your h hall. I RARELY COMPLAIN, BUT THIS WAS JUST UNCALLED FOR.

Monday, February 11, 2008

i am not happy about this at all

i normally do not talk about work things, i like to leave work at work but tonight was IT! This nurse who i have been having problems with because she iss constantly yelling at me instead of taking me in the oficce decided to broadcast my confidential medical info for all to hear. I WAS IN THE KITCHEN GETTING JUICE TO TAKE MY MEDICATION AND WHEN ONE OF THE AIDES SAW I WAS TAKING SOMETHING HE ASKED IF i had a headache. I BRUSHED IT OF AND SAID YES BUT I'LL BE OK. the nurse said 'no tell the truth! you are taking your crazy medication' i was never so embarrased and then they wanted to know what it was so i told them it was my buisness and then just walked out and into the bathroom and here i type! im reporting her ass to the director of nursing tomorrow night when i see her. she had no right to do that, it is downright malicious!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Political Humor

This is an example of what you can do with a video editing program and an audio editing program... Moral of the story, Don't believe everything you see and hear in the media.. It was posted up on myspace videos and was one of the featured videos of the day.. Just thought Id share. Enjoy!

bush the beatboxer

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The Snowstorm that Wasn't

So a snowstorm was in the area, but it didn't come to my area.. I could tell there was a storm because whenever there is a low pressure system my hip aches.. it has done that for years...

I woke up this evening (I work nights so I nap on and off through the day) my hip was fine and I didn't have to hobble my way into the kitchen to fix me a cup of decaf..

so far it has been a mild winter which is good because extreme cold weather and me do not mix well.

Im watching a show on the science channel about how Ancient Egyptians passed on thier technology to the modern day society, and how modern day Egyptians have adapted those methods into practices today... The ancient Egyptians were extremly well advanced and I don't think we would ever come close to some of the things they were able to do... a Great read on that subject is "The Road to Osiris" I read it a few years ago, and lost it between moving... it is on my "books to get one of these days" List..